Monday, September 24, 2018

Otome No Sewing Book 1: English

I had been working on this translation for several years, but only just decided to make the push to finish it up. I had to put it on hold for a number of reasons, but tried to go back to it when I had the free time. Finally I've finished it so I really hope you find it useful!

If you find any corrections or mistakes, please let me know and I can update the files! If you'd like to translate them into another language, I can also give you the GIMP files for editing. Please contact me if you're interested in doing this! I hope you find the translations helpful.

Download/Viewing Link is here in Google Drive.

Feel free to share with others, but please don't claim you translated it yourself. I'd appreciate if you could link back here when sharing! Thank you!


  1. Thank you so much!! This is amazing, from the translation to the type setting!!

  2. Thank you for doing the Great t Mana's work, you are a gem <3

  3. Your work is so very appreciated, tjank you for making this available!

  4. this is wonderful, thank you so much!

  5. Hello, do these books come with patterns or do you have to draft them yourself?

    1. Hi hi, these books originally come with some of the patterns (the more complex stuff). But, you can still draft them based off of the drawings, I'm pretty sure MissCarolBelle's sewing blog has some info on that.

  6. hello, I have a question, I don't understand how to cut the fabric..
    I'm trying to sewing some skirts of otome no sewing n. 3376

    This first one is a skirt formed with 3 big rectangles.
    I'm unsure about the quantity of fabric because I ve never sew from a patterns like this.

    My question

    About this, the first rectangle iit says there's need 225 cm of fabric (for a size L)
    the second 132.5 cm and the third 78 cm.
    Now, I don't understand what is that long line (I will mark with yellow this long line above the pattern) :

    that long line, since is not in each pattern in the skirts of magazine, I wonder why in this pattern there's this line? It means that should be on fold or doubled?

    If I took the rectangle above, the more short, it says 78. Now, 78 is the circumference or, since is a frill skirt, it need to be on fold, or two pieces so 78 +78 = 156 m that need to be gather?
    I don't have idea. This is how the skirt should look

    In summary, I don't understand if I need 2.25 m of fabric or if I need 4.50 m (the double size).

    The doubt came also because above, in the page, the tables of size says :
    Size L = 4m 30 cm

    Question problem #2:

    In this other pattern, it says 110 cm.

    My question is, that line with two 'black spots' indicate that the fabric is on fold. This is clear from the diagram.
    But what is not clear (at least for me that I'm very dummy about sewing terms) is... it's on fold 110 cm (110 x 2 = 220), or it's 110 cm : 2? So 55 cm?

    So is 55 cm + 55 cm = 110 cm
    so that 110 is the full size of fabric,
    or it's 110 cm (on fold) then
    110 cm + 110 cm? So, I need 220 cm of fabric? (ps: the skirt is always a model that need to be gathering).
    Moreover, I don't understand the size of the rectangles for making the skirt. I see the fabric is 110 cm but it's not long 110 cm , and the height of skirt (the size of rectangle) is not clear too, so I can't understand how to cut the fabrics..""

    Sorry the confusion... but are at least 2 days that I think and rethink...

    Thanks for any help!

    1. So the long line is just an arrow indicating which area the distances refer to! If you see on the left side, the wavy line indicates that the drawing isn't the whole length, but the distance is. So no doubling of the measurements, measure as is! And like you said, measuring in the fold, you divide it in half. :)
      I hope that helps!

  7. Hi! I dont know if you can read this but im interested to translate from your translation to spanish. Can I do it?

    1. Hi! Apologies for the delay in my reply, but yes! If you would like files, please let me know (you can email me at this username @gmail). :)
